Delivering valuable content and pushing the boundaries of technical application are two things that Nearmap does exceptionally well. When exploring ways in which to optimize next-generation network needs (5G), Nearmap looked to Ecopia, a leader in AI-based feature extraction to collaboratively explore solutions.
5G network planning requires incredibly accurate 3D models of the environment due to the heightened sensitivity of the millimeter-spectrum waves and interference from manmade and natural features. Ecopia leverages Nearmap’s high-resolution imagery and digital surface models to create height attributed building, road, bridge and overpass vectors, this is part of our Global Feature Extraction services.. These 3D vectors are then imported into network planning software to assess radio frequency (RF) and propagation characteristics which supports transmitter selection and placement.
The results prove that leveraging Ecopia’s AI-based systems in combination with Nearmap high-resolution imagery can rapidly produce accurate data that can better inform 5G network infrastructure planning and deployment at-scale.

By offering customers the ability to quickly gain an accurate understanding of the built environment to enable 5G network planning and implementation, we’re helping telecom stakeholders around the world to make better decisions. Ecopia has the ability and partnerships to offer this work across the globe. Interested in learning more about our AI-extraction capabilities? Visit our website to learn more about Global Feature Extraction services today!